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Trading symbol:
Transaction invoice number:
Risk percentage:
Trade management risk model:
Cryptocurrency risk management
Jabal Ameli risk management
John Kelly risk Management
Advanced John Kelly risk management
Larry Williams risk Management
Risk management according to the trader past performance
Fixed percentage risk management
Stepped fixed percentage risk management
Incentive risk management
Transaction order:
Account balance:
market cycle:
Transaction type:
Before entering the trade
Type of behavior:
Time frame:
Something special happened in the last 10 days:
Special occasion
no incident
The Verve
The fear
Picture of yourself:
Changing the time frame:
I have done
I have not done
During the trade:
Trade management model:
Candle to candle
Swing to swing
First candle to candle, then swing to swing
Use a lower time frame
Take profit
The first obstacle ahead
In the first weightlessness
The first large unconventional candle
Movement completion range
tensions during trade:
Loss of profit
Loss of capital
Loss of profit and capital
Hesitation to enter
Hesitation in analysis
Hesitation in choosing a time frame
The trade is good and should not go bad
The trade started badly but must end well
It should be closed with profit like the previous trade
It should not be closed with a loss like the previous trade
I made a trade after a long time
It should be closed at least like the previous trade without profit or loss
I have traded in someone's presence
The Verve
The fear
Picture of yourself:
Changing the time frame:
I have done
I have not done
After completing the trading:
The Verve
The fear
Picture of yourself:
The reason for closing the trade:
Price inability to continue
Stop loss within the loss limit range
Stop loss within the profit limit range
Take profit
Unconventional large candle
Closing in several steps
Inappropriate time to hold
Personal will
Emotional behavior
The opportunity to implement an exit strategy:
I have had
I have not had
Over trade:
I have done
I have not done
Changing the time frame:
I have done
I have not done
Number of trades on this day:
Trade lots:
The result of the trade:
The influence of other's analysis or signals on my decision:
Physical boredom:
I have had
I have not had
Adhering to the right time to enter the trade:
Adhering to the right environment to enter the trade:
Adding pictures of the transaction (1 to 5 pictures)
Temporary storage
Active premium account
Temporary storage

About us

Ahmad Reza Jabal Ameli

Since 2003, I got acquainted with Forex and with great enthusiasm I learned every training related to analysis and trading in the Forex market with interest, and I used it in my own transactions; I am still learning.

I did not ignore almost any training.
X From 2008 onwards, when I gradually reached my satisfactory profit with price action, and saw that the international financial crisis of 2007-2008 was more detectable with price action, I seriously focused on price action.

I collected every resource from Mr. Richard Wyckoff (the legend of Wall Street and the father of price action) that I could, and increased my own studies in behavioral economics every day. Since 2015, along with trading, I have also started teaching price action so that I can experience the joy of success with others. Much more pleasure than the profit of my own transactions.

From the end of 2023, I gradually distanced myself from education and started a trade technology project based on artificial intelligence.

Since from 2023, the role of trade technology in trading became more prominent, I decided to equip all my knowledge and experience since 2003 with artificial intelligence technology so that I can maximize my profit.

Also from 2020 I started trader psychology in chartical. With the help of psychotherapists and psychiatrists, whom I had fully introduced to the world of forex and the world of trader's challenges during 2019, I scientifically served the community of traders.
You can see chartical scientific articles in the psychology menu.

In all these years, both as a learner and as a trainer, I was a part of the community of traders, and I consider it my moral duty to continue to share my achievements with others; Maybe it will be useful for some people and it will leave a good memory of me.

Ahmad Reza Jabal Ameli, Founder and owner of Chartical.

Certificates of approval of international conferences

One of the honors of Chartical is that we are a group that works in the field of psychotherapy and trading psychology, at a scientific and academic level; This issue has been completely proven and you can see the certificate of approval and registration by the scientific and arbitration boards of prestigious international economics and psychology conferences held in the world, including England, Germany, France, etc.

گواهینامه سیویلیکا جبل عاملی
گواهینامه آکسفورد جبل عاملی
گواهینامه کنفرانس بین المللی جبل عاملی
گواهینامه ثبت روانشناسی جبل عاملی
گواهینامه ثبت روانشناسی جبل عاملی
گواهینامه روانشناسی جبل عاملی
گواهینامه روانشناسی جبل عاملی
گواهینامه جبل عاملی
گواهینامه جبل عاملی
گواهینامه  جبل عاملی
گواهینامه  جبل عاملی
گواهینامه  جبل عاملی
گواهینامه  جبل عاملی
My favorite resources:
George Arthur Akerlof
Nobel Economics 2001
Daniel Kahneman
Nobel Economics 2002
Thomas John Sargent
Nobel Economics 2011
Alvin Eliot Roth
Nobel Economics 2012
Eugene Fama
Nobel Economics 2013
Robert J. Shiller
Nobel Economics 2013
Richard H. Thaler
Nobel Economics 2017

Comments & Questions

3 / 9,086
  • بهنام مسموعی 1 weeks ago


    سلام وقت بخیر
    من عضو هیئت علمی دانگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز هستم و ایده ای دارم که میخوام اونو اجرایی کنم به همین منظور تیمی را تشکیل دادم که با هم کار رو پیش ببریم از اساتید دانشگاه شیراز و اصفهان هستند و فردی شما رو معری کرد که تجربه در این زمینه دارید نحوه همکاری با شما چگونه خواهد بود؟ سایت شما رو بررسی کردم دقیقا متوجه نشدم که هوش مصنوعی طراحی شده توسط شما چگونه کار خواهد کرد. دقیقا چه کمکی به ما میکند و تا چه سطحی؟ ایا با متاتریدر متصل میشه ؟؟ اگر بخوایم از تجریبات شما استفاده کنیم شرایط همکاری چگونه هست؟ مشتاقانه منتظر پاسخ شما هستم
    • Reply Ahmadreza Jabal ameli: 1 weeks ago


      درود و ارادت جناب مسموعی؛
      هر کمکی از دستم بر بیاد در خدمتم. همون طور که همکارم پیشنهاد دادند، لطفا یا شمارتون را به ایشون بدید تا باهاتون تماس بگیرم یا شماره بنده را ازشون بگیرید.

    • Reply عرفان صغیر: 1 weeks ago


      درود بر شما جناب مسموعی عزیز باعث افتخار ماست که میزبان شما هستیم؛ لطفا یک پیام به شماره تماس زیر ارسال کنید تا شماره تماس جناب جبل عاملی را براتون ارسال کنم 09031105580

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Chartical rules and regulations
Chartical rules and regulations

Risk disclosure and disclaimer:

Trading in all financial markets, including stocks, currencies, currency pairs, commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies, futures, etc., can lead to large and even irreparable losses to your capital. Therefore, making any transactions in these markets should only be done within the framework of knowing and accepting all the risks.

Due to the general nature of all trading markets, loss is an inseparable part of the trading results of all traders who trade with a variety of methods or tools. So naturally, no matter how you trade in any market, losses are always lurking.

Chartical advises everyone that if you are not yet engaged in trading in the financial markets, avoid doing so. Unless you become aware of all the risks of trading in the financial markets through reliable and scientific sources. All responsibility for the results of trading in these markets is with you.

Chartical collection is only a scientific collection, whose purpose is to improve the knowledge of those interested in financial markets. Chartical does not advertise, promote or encourage trading in financial markets.

Also, all content, trade technology services, artificial intelligence technology services, tools and support, whether free or paid, are only for the personal use of the user (you).

You do not have the right to copy or provide your user panel to others.

In case of violation, legal action will be taken according to the laws of copyright and author's right, and the user's access will be cut off from all services.

In this case, any fees you have paid to Chartical Group or Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli will not be returned to you, and you have taken away the right of any protest or complaint.

Because this means unilateral termination from your side.

Advertisements, software or companies introduced by Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli or the Chartical Group are only suggestions, and there is no responsibility for Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Amili or the Chartical Group.

The research and responsibility of using these software, data or companies is entirely the responsibility of the user (you), and the use of any of them constitutes acceptance of risk and responsibility on your part.

The only certainty in the market is uncertainty.

There is also the possibility of errors in Chartical's data or calculations, although we make every effort to provide good service, but ultimately the decision and responsibility of using Chartical's services rests with you.

We do not make any guarantees for the accuracy of the data and calculations.

Opening a trading account or any activity and transaction, in any of the brokerages or exchanges suggested by Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli or Chartical Group, requires and means accepting the rules and text of the contract, and the agreement between you and the relevant company.

Any reliability, accuracy and speed of service or support are all made by the respective (offered) companies. Any opening of an account or cooperation with brokers or exchanges means accepting the responsibility of the user (you) and does not have any obligation or responsibility for Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli or Chartical Group.

You have waived the right of any protest or complaint against them and the Chartical collection.

All chartical service tools, including trade technology services, artificial intelligence technology, articles, supports, service credit packages, etc., aim to improve the knowledge and skills of traders and those interested in financial markets.

The results of the analysis, predictions, estimates or calculations of any of the instruments, are not signals or trading proposals, etc.

The user (you) is solely responsible for the use of these tools and any profit or loss of trades , and Chartical disclaims all responsibilities.

In Chartical, all the primary data is collected based on the global performance standards of the CFA Institute and processed by mathematical algorithms and finally analyzed with artificial intelligence, but the inherent risks of trading markets still exist and are a potential threat to traders.


All chartical online services, including trading technology tools, artificial intelligence technology, data processing, and all service packages, including service usage credit, online service packages and everything else, as well as physical goods, downloads, video training courses or face-to-face, workshops, coachings and workshops cannot be returned, canceled or refunded in any way.

No fee will be refunded under any circumstances.

Because these products or services can be copied and reproduced after purchase; or at the time of purchase, immediately by Chartical or Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli all the infrastructures for providing the services have been prepared and provided, and the related costs for the infrastructures according to the purchased package or service have been paid.

Just like when a one-month internet package is purchased by a consumer from an operator, but not even 1 minute is used by the buyer. No refund will be made by the operator to the consumer.

As in the example, due to the provision and payment of infrastructure costs for the provision of service to the buyer (consumer) by the operator, there is no possibility of any refund, there is no refund for all Chartical services and products. Because when purchased by the consumer, all infrastructure is paid immediately for the commitment period.

Chartical points:

The points you receive in interactions with the Chartical web application are only virtual points and can only be used on this website, and outside the Chartical web application it has no credit and cannot even be criticized in any way.

Due to security issues and social laws, as well as the personal privacy of the manager or managers, users, professors and analysts, we are prohibited from providing any transactions or transaction history to third parties. And in case of repeating the request or creating a margin and any disturbance, the wrong person's access to all Chartical services will be cut off, and any fees paid by the consumer will not be refunded by Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli or the Chartical group.

Repeating such a request constitutes a unilateral termination of the contract on your part, and you waive the right of any protest or complaint.

Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli and Chartical consider it their right to introduce the wrong user as a user of their services and content in social networks, and the user has deprived herself of the authority and right of any complaint or protest.

Also, the wrongful user gives this authority and right to Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli and Chartical Group, that in case of violation, the wrongful user will be sued and prosecuted by him in the legal authorities.

All the above rules include the brand and name of Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli and Chartical.

Lifetime subscriptions:

Lifetime subscriptions are valid for as long as Chartical group operates, meaning that lifetime is equal to Chartical's lifetime, not the user's lifetime.

Lifetime subscriptions services correspond to the current services, not the services at the time of purchase of the lifetime subscription. That is, Chartical has the right and permission to unilaterally remove, add or change its services over time in order to improve its services.

If any transfer of subscription to another or any financial or moral or reputational damage is done in any way, the contract will be terminated by the buyer (user) and access to all services of Chartical, Ahmedreza Jabal Ameli and Chartical Collection will be terminated. They have the right to pursue legal actions against the wrongdoer, equal to the losses they have suffered.

Regional and national laws:

Due to the fact that it is almost impossible and unguaranteed to prove the user's place of use of Chartical services, due to the possibility of using IP change tools, any responsibility against the legal restrictions in the user's country is entirely his own responsibility, and Mr. Ahmadreza Jabal Ameli and Chartical Group are exempt from any responsibility against regional or national laws.

Post any message, in any form, on Chartical that is offensive, threatening, political, racist, immoral, pornographic, disrespectful to others and any content about religions will be removed immediately; And your access to all Chartical services will be blocked without any warning, and even if requested by legal and judicial authorities, your information will be provided to them.

Electronic signature:

means any type of sign attached or logically connected to (message data) used to identify the signer of (message data) using a means of remote communication, which means any means that It is used for the sale of goods and services without the physical presence of the supplier and the consumer at the same time, and it is done in the form of a remote contract, which is the request and acceptance of the goods and services between the supplier and the consumer using remote communication devices.

Whenever the law requires a signature, an electronic signature is sufficient.

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